Saturday, November 28, 2009 time to blog!

Well, that's the truth - I really haven't had much time to blog! I apologize for that but working and going to school takes most of my time! Thankfully, December 8th is my last day of school this semester and I don't start back until January 11th!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Marti's house - thanks for having us all over!! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving too!

Oh, we did get to go to the new Cowboy Stadium on the 20th of this month - Jason was THRILLED!! Aledo Bearcats are in the playoffs and won against Stephenville in overtime and are actually playing today @ 3pm in Midland. It is the only time Jason will get to see a game there unless we get lucky somehow and he gets Cowboy tickets! Not counting on that at all though.

Not a whole lot to update everyone on....just doing the normal routine for now!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My baby boy is 6!!!

I can't believe we celebrated CJ's 6th birthday yesterday!! He is growing up so fast and time is flying by! We were going to go to Chuck E Cheese but with Courtney just getting over H1N1 - we decided it would be best to hold off on that. Instead, we met up with Marti, James, Misti, Brien, Tyler and Hunter @ Marti & James' house (Josh was @ the football game) and ate Chicken E (YUMMY!), the kids played Xbox, the guys played pool (then Misti and Marti joined) and of course, had cake (thanks Misti for making it) and opened presents. All in all, I believe he had a wonderful day!

Of course, turning 6 means he has to go for a 6 year old well check up. So, I got to go yesterday with Jason and CJ to the doctor. It was a normal visit but with a few concerns - CJ has been complaining about his stomach and then a few times of chest pain. We've been monitoring it and changing a few things in his diet to see if those were the causes but with no luck. Since his well visit was coming - we decided it was the best time to figure it all out. We talked with the pediatrician and now, CJ has an upper GI scheduled for Tuesday, October 13th @ 11am. We are going to see if it's acid-reflux, if it is - great, we'll know what causing all the issues and if not, I'm not sure where we go from here. We hopefully will find some answers on Tuesday.

Mom (Jason's) will make her annual Fall visit and we are all looking forward to it!! And of course, we'll be celebrating CJ's birthday again with her - even with cupcakes :o) She is coming at a good time since the golf course is overseeding and Jason is off 4 of the days she is here!! He never gets that time to visit with her. Plus, she'll be able to see CJ play t-ball since he has 2 games on Saturday Oct. 17th and one on Sunday!

School is going great for all of us. Reports came out for the kids and Courtney is on the A-B Honor Roll and we will get CJ's on Tuesday since he left early on Friday. I've been doing well on all my A&P exams (both A's) and have a lab practical exam the 15th. In regards to Micro, did really well on my 2nd exam and hope to do just as well on my 3rd on on the 14th.

That's all for now. Hoping to download pictures of CJ playing t-ball, CJ's birthday and any others I've taken to share with you.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

H1N1 has struck!

Yes - that's right - Courtney has tested positive for the flu but the pediatrician is 100% sure it's H1N1. It happened so quickly! Monday morning she woke up with a terrible headache but went to school anyways after taking some Tylenol and having no fever. She stated her headache went away around lunchtime and she felt fine the rest of the day.

Tuesday morning rolls around and she wakes up with a terrible, pounding headache at 5:15am - after waking up 3 times in the middle of the night. I took her temperature and it was 101. With her headache and fever, I decided to look up symptoms of H1N1. Yep - headache is one of them. So with that, her and I stayed home and waited until 9am to call the dr. She got an appt. at 11am and the test came back positive.

With all that, she is out for 1 week from the start of symptoms (headache with fever) and as long as she is 24 hours fever free and Tylenol free (including headache). So, I dropped off the dr. excuse and her school said 'We'll see her on Tuesday'.

So now, I have an impromptu vacation or should I say 'house arrest'. Her dr. doesn't want her alone since she is wheezing a bit and with the flu - the respiratory symptoms could get worse. I'm at least catching up on some of my learning modules for school, did most of our lab groups lab assignment for tomorrow night, and couldn't attend class tonight since Jason closes (thanks to my friend Jennifer - she will give me everything I miss tonight).

I'll keep you all updated on Courtney and the rest of us (we are all hoping we don't get it)!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Well not much has been going on around here. For the last 2 weeks, CJ's tball games have been postponed due to the rain. Finally, this morning, CJ had his first ever game! He looks so cute in his uniform :0) He had a great time and played 3 different positions - started off as catcher (not much action there), then switched between 2nd base and center field. He had some really great stops and even made some great hits! We are so proud of him. I will post pictures soon - just have to download them and I haven't done that yet!

Last night, we went to the Aledo Homecoming game! WHAT A BLOWOUT!! Aledo won 66-13 against the Brewer Bears. The score was something like 31-0 in the first quarter. We left in the 3rd quarter when it was 49-13. One of the running backs scored 7 touchdowns and had 343 total yards!

School is going good for all 3 of us! Micro isn't easy but I'm making my way through it. I have another exam on Monday night - not really looking forward to that but hoping I do decent!

Also, last night, my cousin Kimmie gave birth to a precious baby girl - Jessica! Misti sent me a picture message last night at 11:35 and then today, my Aunt sent an email with pictures and she is adorable!! Can't wait to meet her!

That's it for now!

Friday, September 11, 2009

NEVER FORGET - Eight Year Anniversary

I sit here this evening not believing it's been eight years since the awful events of 9-11 unfolded. Let us remember all of the victims, the families, the FDNY, the NYPD and our troops. God bless America!!

What were you doing at 8:45am on 9-11-01?? I can tell you I believe that this day everyone will always remember what they were doing and where they were. As for me, I was traveling back to Florida from Pennsylvania with my father and Courtney. We were actually around the Pentagon when the plane hit. I can still hear the conversation my dad and I had in regards to this single airplane flying really low and it seemed odd. Unfortunately, we had no clue what was going on until we were somewhere in North Carolina. With Courtney only being 2, there wasn't a radio on - just a tv my dad brought for her so she could watch movies on the long trip. My dad actually had his cell phone off and we have no clue why. When we stopped to get gas, he looked and realized it was off. Boy did he have a ton of missed calls and messages asking about us. It's something I will never forget.

My kids will grow up not knowing what it was like before 9-11-01 and Patriot Day. It's something that no one will ever forget.

I have to say - I'm proud to be an American!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Another BIG break in blogging

Well, it's been crazy/hectic here. Let me kind of 'fill you in' on what's been going on since our move.
  • Courtney went to Florida for 17 days and returned safely :o)
  • Got hired to work for Aledo ISD @ Stuard Elementary working from 7:30-2 as a Child Nutrition Worker (fancy name for cafeteria worker) but it's a job!!
  • Had fingerprints/background check done
  • Took Food Handler's Class to get my card to work in the cafeteria.
  • Gave Marti and James' goats shots - a first for me. Goats have tough/thick skin and I am not use to that at all!
  • Had 2 work days before school started
  • School started August 24th for all 3 of us! Yep you read that right - all 3 of us - Courtney, CJ and me!!
  • CJ started Kindergarten and is LOVIN' it!
  • I'm taking Microbiology and Anatomy & Physiology I (again since it's been 3+ years since I took it last).
  • CJ is on the Silver Bullets T-ball team. Games start on Sept. 12th!! It's so different for us to watch him out there compared to Courtney and it's a learning curve for us too.
  • Been to 2 Aledo Bearcat Football games and they won both. At the first game, CJ got to 'meet' the Bearcat
  • Watched Josh march on the 4th of September - and I actually picked him out of the field - pretty lucky!
  • Celebrated Josh's 15th birthday on Saturday night. I can't believe he's 15 - where has all the years gone? I remember him on my wedding day - so small!!
That's everything in a nutshell. I have my first exam this Wednesday and it's been hard to study this weekend due to being sick but thanks to Marti, I'm feeling better!!

Hope everyone is doing great! Hopefully it won't be so long until I blog again but there are no promises!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another move!!!

Yes you read that right - we are moving again. We are actually getting our own place - found a townhouse to rent - right here in Weatherford. We'll be about 20 minutes from Marti & James and about 25 minutes to Misti & Brien (both are mostly highway miles).

It's a 4/2 split plan with a fenced yard, fireplace and a single car garage. It's nothing fancy at all but it's someplace to call our own :o) We are in the process of slowly moving our things out - we actually just signed the lease on Thursday afternoon.

Misti helped me on Friday with a few items and thankfully, Jason will get off work around 1pm tomorrow that maybe we can do some of the larger items with James' and Brien's help!!

That's all the exciting news we have to share! Oh yeah - Courtney goes to the pulmonary specialist this Wednesday - hopefully she'll be out of her asthma medications and grew out of it...keeping fingers crossed!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!

Wow - it's been a while and I really have no excuse except that nothing huge has happened.
So far, this is a short version of what has happened though...
  1. Jason's mom came for a visit in May and we really enjoyed her time here even though it seemed so short. We went to the Fort Worth Zoo one day and had a great time.
  2. Courtney's softball team won 1st place :o) Their tournament game was against the other Aledo team that they never won against but this team, they won big!!!
  3. Both kids finished school - Courtney, of course, will be entering 5th grade while CJ will be entering Kindergarten. This will be the only year they'll be at the same school so it'll be nice.
  4. The kids and I traveled back to Alabama in June to collect the remaining things at our friends house that didn't fit on the move out here. We stayed a week and enjoyed our time. We visited several friends - Jamie, Brandon and the girls (they were kind enough to let us stay with them the whole time), Rhonda and the girls (we met up with them for dinner one night but Kevin was working late), Sarah and Colt (Courtney's pitching coach and her little bundle of joy 14 weeks old) and finally, Malissa and Marshall (CJ's best friend from Grace Presbyterian Pre-K). It was a wonderful trip but a very, VERY long drive to and from 10+ hours.
Now for what is happening the rest of the summer (that I know of at this point in time)...
  1. Taking care of the Shafer Zoo while James and Marti are in OK during the 4th holiday weekend.
  2. Getting together with Misti, Brien and the boys along with coworkers of Misti's for a July 4th cookout and fireworks.
  3. Courtney starts volleyball camp - it's the 7th-10th from 9-11am
  4. Courtney's big Pulmonary appointment on the 22nd.
Now that I've caught you all up...maybe I will keep it up. I don't think I could get any worse than 2.5 months of not posting.

Again - hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

3-1 record now...

Courtney's team Aledo Flash has done really well so far this season. The last game came down to the final inning and they won!! Courtney came back in the top of the 3rd to really do some excellent pitching. We were all happy that my parents were able to attend. That is the first time (I think) they were able to watch her play and of course, pitch! Hoping they'll make it to Friday night's game.

Here are a few pictures of her.

Batting (I really need to get a better shot of her batting besides her backside)

Getting ready to steal home...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

2-1 record!

Courtney has officially had 3 softball games...and has won 2 straight! She does like hearing everyone cheer her on while she is pitching - I think it gives her the 'ump' she needs :o) Next week is another full week with softball - Monday practice @ 6pm, games on Tuesday @ 6:30pm, Friday @ 8pm and Saturday @ 10am. It's softball life again :o)

Can't forget to mention the fact that my parents are making their way out here to visit. They will be leaving Florida on Monday and arriving sometime on Tuesday. The kids are excited for them to visit.

Not much else happening around here.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Where has time gone?

I can't believe that Sunday is Easter already - time has flown this year AGAIN!

Well, Courtney got her palate expander last Wednesday and is adjusting well now. It is still hard for her to chew lots of things since food can get caught between the spring and the roof of her mouth. Here's a picture of her expander...
Finally, Courtney had her first softball game as Aledo Flash. She is the starting pitcher :o) It is wonderful to see all the hard work she has done over the last year with pitching lessons shine. I am so proud of her and her skills. Although they lost 6-5, it was mostly on their throwing or should I say over-throwing their own teammates. Aledo Flash really came together and played like a team. There were some great hits too!! I did take some pictures of her before her first softball game and then after her picture day on Saturday so here are a few of those...

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Courtney's first softball game was postponed on Friday night. We believe it was due to how cold it was along with the winds. We are still unsure when her first game will be now. She was disappointed because she was really looking forward to playing.

Tomorrow the kids go to the dentist for their cleanings :o) Also tomorrow starts Kindergarten registration but thankfully, we don't have to register CJ since he is already enrolled in the Aledo ISD.

Not much else is going on here.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Top only!

The big day was Wednesday for Courtney - she got braces!! For now, it's only the top ones and then next week comes the palate expander. She'll have both for a couple of months before getting her bottom braces. She has to have the top expand before putting the bottom ones on.

She did really well and thanks to Aleve - no major pain!

Here are a few pictures that I got to take (she didn't want any but...)
She is in a little bit of pain due to the wiring poking the inside of her cheek. They were putting the bands on and trimmed the wire right off.
Here's a final picture that I got...not the greatest but...

Tonight is her opening game for softball - she is really excited. She actually chose orange and black bands to match her softball and school colors. Who knows what she'll choose next time :o)!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Suffering from "Sticker Shock"

Ok...I KNOW teeth are expensive and all but no matter what, orthodontics still come as a sticker shock!!

Courtney's first adventure to the orthodontist was this afternoon. She has a 'cross bite' on her left side. We did our 'free' consultation today and started treatment. She received 2 spacers on the top. Next Wednesday @ 3pm - she'll be there for over an hour getting braces. Then the following week, she'll get her palate expander. Thank goodness those have changed over the years and the one she'll be getting won't have a key!! No turning for us. As it stands right now, she'll be in braces for 24 months - possibly more. I'll definitely be getting pictures as we go along :o)

On another note, I had a wonderful birthday dinner and cake with my sisters and their families. Brien had been wanting lasagna and since no one in his family eats it, he asked Misti to call me to see if I'd like it for dinner. I must say, Brien's lasagna is YUMMY!!! It's so good there was only one piece left (not anymore as CJ is eating it for dinner right now). Misti made a butter cake that she turned really green - almost HULK green and made half with chocolate frosting and half with white frosting turned mint green. Marti took pictures but I haven't gotten them yet from her. It was a great birthday since I got to celebrate it with my sisters :o)

Not much else happening.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

McCall Ball - Father/Daughter Dance

Courtney and Jason had a wonderful evening at the dance. Unfortunately, about halfway through the dance Courtney slipped and caught herself with her right hand. It's still a little sore but all is well. Not something a little bit of ice and Tylenol wouldn't help.
Here are a few pictures...

Jason and Courtney
Courtney's shoes which were named 'Cinderella'

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Not Again....

Unfortunately...yes again!! CJ went to the dr. yesterday after complaining about his throat hurting to swallow and a fever between 101-102 for less than 24 hrs. He has strep!! The dr. told me that he couldn't return to school for 48 hrs which is totally different than what I am use to (the normal 24 hrs). So, he is cooped up inside the game room and only leaves when he has too. Poor little guy!

Today I'm taking Courtney shopping for a nice dressy dress. This Saturday is the First Annual McCall Ball (it's their Father/Daughter dance). She is so excited to be going and having her daddy take her. Can't wait to find something she likes and take pictures :o) Thankfully Jason gets home early today so I can take her shopping without CJ.

That's all for now :o)

Thursday, February 26, 2009


There seems to be a slight problem with the blog so I'm just doing a test post to see if it's fixed.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Simple update..

Courtney had a great try-out. She is a little nervous about going back to park ball (rec league) but is looking forward to playing. We were called on Monday night to let us know that she'll be on the 'Aledo Flash' 10U team. There is only 2 teams for Aledo so we'll be playing Benbrook and maybe another area. She is looking forward to pitching too!!

CJ is still loving school. He especially loves the weekends when his cousins come over :o) He always ask if it's a school night now. He really doesn't like Wednesdays because Josh gets home later than normal and he enjoys watching him play his Xbox games.

Not much else is going on.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I hope everyone has a sweet Valentine's Day!!

Not much has been going on. Today, Courtney has softball try-outs and it's currently 42 degrees outside! Hopefully it'll warm up by the time her try-outs are which are at 2pm. It's a bit windy too.

CJ is still complaining about his left ear but he went to the Dr. again and nothing is wrong. I'm thinking it's time to take him to the dentist and make sure nothing is going on with his jaw considering me and my TMJ. I'm hoping he doesn't have that but rather be safe than sorry.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog's Day....

Well, Punxsutawney saw his shadow today so that means 6 more weeks of winter!! I've never been a fan of groundhog's day but that is due to a bad memory from my childhood. I was at school during recess and doing a flip on the monkey bars when all of a sudden someone wanted the bar and pried my hands off while I was flipping. I hit the ground chin first (it was a cement ground with sand covering it). I had blood coming out my mouth. Luckily for me, I only had to have stitches and all my teeth were fine. Not that any of you wanted to hear that story....I guess I'm just rambling...LOL

Well, in other news, I got the call from the school I applied to and......


I go today, after 3pm to pick up the paperwork and everything and I will start either Wednesday or Thursday of this week. I get 2 work polos (black and red) and then get to wear khaki or black pants and tennis shoes. I'm excited!!! Thank you to all of your prayers and good thoughts plus I can't forget my references :o)!!!

At least there was some great news today!!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Update on news....

Well the 'news' was too good to be true. There is no contract on the house. The couple who loves the house has a little one and doesn't want to do the driveway so they have decided to back out. There is still the single mother that hasn't made up her mind but who knows. Thankfully there is still the open house today so we'll just wait and see. I really hate the waiting game.

Please keep those prayers and fingers crossed!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Keep those prayers coming and fingers crossed!!!

I received a call today from our Realtor - we 'should' have a contract on our house today or tomorrow!!! Yes those prayers and good thoughts are working!! Keep them coming!!! I'm so EXCITED (as if you can't tell).

As soon as I hear more information - I'll definitely post something.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all those good thoughts, prayers and fingers crossed :o)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can't believe it's almost February!!

Wow - where does time go? This year doesn't seem to be moving any slower than past years - before you know it - it'll be Christmas again!!

Well, I haven't heard anything about any of the jobs I've applied for. I did hear some promising news about one of my references being called :o) Thanks Mellan for telling mom about that! It gives me a glimpse of hope!!

What's a new year without CJ being sick? You guessed it - he's been sick. He missed school all week and we thought he broke his fever over the weekend. On Tuesday evening - he had another one. So, yesterday afternoon we took him to see a doctor and you'll never guess what was wrong with him - yep, an ear infection! She told us that we probably want to have him allergy tested too since he had all the signs. Another child to go through that - fun fun!

Oh and we were hit by the wonderful ice storm. Jason ended up having 3 days off of work and finally went back today. The kids were out of school yesterday because of it. Some of the roads still have ice patches on them but thankfully most of it melted yesterday.

Some news on the house...there was a single mom who really liked the house but still hasn't made up her mind (keeping fingers crossed), another realtor took someone to look at it AND there is an open house this weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying really hard that something will click and it'll sell.

That's all the news for now. Hopefully I'll have some update in regards to the house and my job searching :o)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Interview Update

Just wanted to let you all know that my working interview went really well. I was in the early preschoolers (2.5-3 years old) and in there over the hour. Afterwards, I talked with the director and let her know what I thought. There were only 8 kids when I was there and I can remember 5 of their names :o) The director has a few more interviews and then she hopes to make her decision by the end of this week or early next.

Also, by the end of this week, I should be an official sub for the Aledo ISD and could be called at any time to sub. I did apply for another position with the Aledo ISD - an 'Assessment/ESL Clerk' which is a secretarial/clerical position.

I did pick up an application for Hobby Lobby as I saw they were hiring today. It's just the wait patiently and see game.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Friday's Interview

I believe Friday's interview went very well as I have an hour long 'working' interview today at 3:30 in a classroom for 2 reasons: to see if I actually like being in the classroom and working with the kids and then to be evaluated by the teacher in the classroom. Not sure when I'll find out about the job after this interview. She did mention that she had interviews before mine last week and scheduled for this week too.

Oh and we did sign up Courtney for softball this past Saturday. Her try-outs are scheduled for 2pm on either Feb. 14th or 15th. She's excited to start playing again!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Let's see here....I just finished my 2-hour substitute orientation for Aledo ISD. Now, it's just wait and see when they are going to need me. There were about 20 people in the 9am one and probably about the same for the 1pm session too. I requested to sub for 2 elementary schools, the intermediate and middle school. No high school or learning center (drop-outs and trouble-makers). Also stated that I would sub for clerical and aides. At least it's a start into the field I would like to be in.

Then at 4pm, I have an interview to be a Preschool Assistant Teacher at Primrose School. The hours are from 1:30-7pm which is ok but not the greatest. I do know that if I want CJ to go with me after his am pre-k at Coder Elementary, then it would cost me $194 every 2 weeks via payroll deduction. So it all depends on how much the pay is if it is even worth taking. Hey, at least it's another start to a job.

Oh and I finally got my driver's license for TX. It's the first state I've moved to where you only get a temporary paper driver's license and the real one will be mailed to you within 2 weeks. I've always walked away from there with mine. And another interesting fact, when we moved to Alabama, we got to keep our Mississippi license -they just punched a hole in it. So right now, I have no photo idea so there is no traveling for me until I receive that.

I'll update when I know anything about the teaching assistant opportunity. I do know I have several more applications/resumes out there!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Not much happening...

That's correct...not much is going on here. Courtney had a wonderful birthday and enjoyed spending it with her cousins, aunts and uncles :o)

Both kids got their report cards on Friday - both were excellent too!! I wasn't expecting one for CJ but he did get one. I was impressed with everything it stated. I do know that only one other classmate besides CJ can count to 100.

I'm still actively searching for a job. I did get a postcard from the Aledo ISD for becoming a substitute which I will have orientation on Friday Jan. 16th at 9am for that. At least it's something. I did learn that the Pre-K aide position I applied for I didn't get as it was for CJ's class and I'm sure they do not allow that (which I'm glad). to do a few things.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Courtney!!

Today Courtney is officially in the 2 digit age range - the big 10!!!

We'll be celebrating tomorrow night with both sets of aunts, uncles and cousins for the first time ever! We're having her favorite dinner - Flank steak along with something new to her since being here - garlic mashed potatoes (thanks to Schwan's and Marti...LOL), plus rolls and not sure what else. I have to go to the store and get her a cake too - not making it as huge as it was last year!!

All in all, she had a wonderful day and even some of her new friends here in Aledo wished her a happy birthday today!!