Friday, January 16, 2009

Let's see here....I just finished my 2-hour substitute orientation for Aledo ISD. Now, it's just wait and see when they are going to need me. There were about 20 people in the 9am one and probably about the same for the 1pm session too. I requested to sub for 2 elementary schools, the intermediate and middle school. No high school or learning center (drop-outs and trouble-makers). Also stated that I would sub for clerical and aides. At least it's a start into the field I would like to be in.

Then at 4pm, I have an interview to be a Preschool Assistant Teacher at Primrose School. The hours are from 1:30-7pm which is ok but not the greatest. I do know that if I want CJ to go with me after his am pre-k at Coder Elementary, then it would cost me $194 every 2 weeks via payroll deduction. So it all depends on how much the pay is if it is even worth taking. Hey, at least it's another start to a job.

Oh and I finally got my driver's license for TX. It's the first state I've moved to where you only get a temporary paper driver's license and the real one will be mailed to you within 2 weeks. I've always walked away from there with mine. And another interesting fact, when we moved to Alabama, we got to keep our Mississippi license -they just punched a hole in it. So right now, I have no photo idea so there is no traveling for me until I receive that.

I'll update when I know anything about the teaching assistant opportunity. I do know I have several more applications/resumes out there!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see you've been busy! I'm happy to hear that all is going well and am praying that you get the best job for YOU!! Love and hugs to all :)