Monday, April 30, 2007

Just like clockwork!!

CJ's body must know when Gramma is coming! It's like clockwork - he started to have a low grade fever! He usually is always sick when Gramma comes so why should this visit be any different. We've already started him on Tylenol and hoping it won't get worse.

Just a short entry for now - it's time to pick up Courtney and do all the errands I need to do.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I forgot to mention that Courtney is doing extremely well with her allergy shots here at home. I'm so proud of her. We treated her to a new bedding since she was in need of one and doing so well without complaining or crying PLUS reminding me about doing them every Monday :-)

What a weekend!

Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated but starting with last Thursday - things have been CRAZY!!! Where do I begin???

Let's see...we'll start with Thursday. CJ and I left at the same time Jason did to go to work and we went to the scrapbook store about 30 minutes away. We spent some time there and then I told CJ that it was time to go to Walmart. While in Walmart, all of a sudden, he reached for his stomach screaming! I wasn't sure what was going on since he was standing up and nothing was touching him. He was so upset and uncomfortable. I had to finish up in Walmart with everyone looking at me as though I was hurting him. So once we get home, he is still in pain. The only thing that is comforting to him is me holding him but just a certain way. I thought that this was all too sudden that I called the ped. dr. They suggested I go straight to Children's Hospital Emergency room as it seems as though he would need x-rays and that they couldn't do that in the office. So now it was time to call Jason to make sure he could be home in time to pick up Courtney from the bus stop. Thankfully he could. So off to Children's we went.

I must say if I have to go to Children's again - it should be during the same time I did (between noon and one). We were the only ones in the waiting room and it only took 10 minutes (if even) to go into the back. We got back there and they wanted a urine sample in a cup and I ROFL!!! There is just no way and knew what that would bring - catherization. We get seen really quick by the Nurse Practitioner and they schedule x-rays. After the x-rays and getting the urine sample plus a while later.....he has to have a milk of magnesium enema. NOT FUN!!! Poor baby was so stopped up that it was causing all the pain. They gave the enema in the bathroom and he sat on the toilet for at least 30 minutes and me flushing about 10 times (not joking) maybe more so the toilet wouldn't get clogged. I felt so bad for him. Not sure what the whole cause of this was but it's not the first time he has been constipated and Miralax is a huge help. So, now he is on Miralax every day and I'm thinking of adding Flaxseed to his diet just to get the added fiber I guess he is missing.

That was my Thursday afternoon for 3+ hours and then of course, I had a Brownie meeting to attend and 'host'. The girls were wonderful and so were the parents. They made friendship bracelets (good thing I already knew what we were doing) and I even had a parent offer to help with Courtney if something like this ever happens again. It's really good to know that I have friends here willing to take care of my kids when needed.

So now let's look at Friday. I HAD to take CJ shopping for about anything he wanted considering he was poked and proded in the ER. He picked out Moon Sand and LOVES it. I also had to get the kids much needed pj's as CJ's were getting too short and Courtney's were too small. Also, Courtney had her first ever sleepover. Boy, the girls had a blast!!! They didn't leave anything undone ;) They went on Courtney's scooter, jumproped, went to the park, played with CJ and his moon sand, watched Zach and Cody's hour long episode, ate pizza for dinner, had ice cream, baths, watched Happy Feet and had some popcorn - all from Friday afternoon to Friday night!!

On Saturday, they did a lot of the same things but I did get them some wood frames and they painted those. They really enjoyed that and requested we do that at a Brownies meeting too. I took Ashley home around 1pm and didn't get home until 3pm since my kids LOVED their house and they continued to play. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that they got up at 6am!!! It was Saturday - what were they thinking...LOL I did make them Mickey Pancakes which they all enjoyed!

Sunday was a more relaxing and catching up on sleep day :-) Courtney had Sunday School and we still have no idea what time her First Communion is on the 6th of May. I did learn that Fr. Jim will not be there so someone else will be doing this - I am not thrilled with but what am I going to do? Thanks to Jason's mom - Courtney has her dress and shoes. I found a veil at Michael's that comes with a comb so hopefully that will work well. She is actually going to try everything on together this evening. Can't wait to see it all together.

Next week is exciting and full of plans too. Jason's mom arrives at 10:40am and it's always fun when she is here :-) On Thursday afternoon/evening - it'll be busy. Courtney has an added dance practice from 4-5, Brownie meeting from 5-6 and then our Service Area Leader meeting (appreciation party) from 6:30-?. Then Friday, my parents arrive sometime in the evening. Not sure if we'll see them then or not. Then, of course, on Sunday is Courtney's First Communion and Jason's mom's birthday :-)

I'll be ready for another vacation soon - looking forward to June and taking the kids to Texas and then July when both Jason's parents come for a visit.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Time is flying by!

I can't believe it's already the middle of April already - where has this year gone? I guess when you are busy - time really flies! I don't think we will settle down until mid summer. We have lots of things planned.....
Yesterday - Build-A-Bear with the Brownie Troop (tons of fun!!)
Today - Chuck-E-Cheese birthday party (CJ's first time ever going - he was so excited)
May 2nd - Jason's mom arrives
May 4th - my parent's arrive
May 6th - Courtney's First Communion
May 12th - Courtney's First Dance Recital
May 23rd - Courtney's last day of school
May 28th-June 1st - Girl Scout Day Camp (Courtney, CJ and I will be there)
June 9th - Leave for Texas (AGAIN!!!! Can you tell I'm excited?) This is will be CJ's first ever airplane ride and he can't wait until June.
July - Jason's parents are visiting

Within all this schedule - Jason is extremely busy with all those tournaments and outtings at work plus clinics. I'm a 'golf widow' now since it's the season. Also, we are doing Brownies during the summer and keeping things busy.

Well...looking at that makes me tired...LOL

I do have to remember tomorrow to give Courtney her 2 allergy shots (most people only get one but not her - she is allergic to more than 15 things so she gets 2). She isn't thrilled that I get to give them to her but it beats going to the Dr.'s every week. She knows I won't hurt her, it's just the anxiety of the shot that makes her all nervous. Thankfully she gets it in the arms.

Well, enough about us. Hope everyone is doing well.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter. It's only me and the kids this weekend as Jason is at the Masters.

The kids enjoyed their baskets and hunting for eggs. They were up really early but the funny thing is, they are still having so much fun hiding and hunting. Here's a few pictures from today - nothing fancy..

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What a concert!!!

I must have the BEST husband in the world. He got me tickets that were sold out to see Chris Daughtry!!! For those of you who don't know who he is...he is the 4th finalist on American Idol from last season - an amazing, talented singer!!

It was purely an amazing concert - can't wait to see him again. Courtney went with me while Jason stayed home with CJ. Courtney had the time of her life. As we were walking to the back of the line, Chris was actually getting ready to walk in. He was with security so I didn't feel I could ask him to stop and take a picture but I was arms length away from him!!

During the concert, he threw water from his water bottle 4 different times and each time - both Courtney and I got wet! She was so excited about that. There were a few wonderful people there that offered to pick her up to see him singing - 2 actually did and 2 others offered right after a person behind us complained. Anyways....she LOVED seeing him.

After the concert, several people were telling her how she has a 'cool' mom and that she should feel very lucky to have such a 'cool' mom to take her to a concert like Daughtry!! Plus one lady saw her and just had to give her a guitar pic that Chris threw out into the crowd - that really made her night.

Here are a few pictures from the concert...