Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can't believe it's almost February!!

Wow - where does time go? This year doesn't seem to be moving any slower than past years - before you know it - it'll be Christmas again!!

Well, I haven't heard anything about any of the jobs I've applied for. I did hear some promising news about one of my references being called :o) Thanks Mellan for telling mom about that! It gives me a glimpse of hope!!

What's a new year without CJ being sick? You guessed it - he's been sick. He missed school all week and we thought he broke his fever over the weekend. On Tuesday evening - he had another one. So, yesterday afternoon we took him to see a doctor and you'll never guess what was wrong with him - yep, an ear infection! She told us that we probably want to have him allergy tested too since he had all the signs. Another child to go through that - fun fun!

Oh and we were hit by the wonderful ice storm. Jason ended up having 3 days off of work and finally went back today. The kids were out of school yesterday because of it. Some of the roads still have ice patches on them but thankfully most of it melted yesterday.

Some news on the house...there was a single mom who really liked the house but still hasn't made up her mind (keeping fingers crossed), another realtor took someone to look at it AND there is an open house this weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying really hard that something will click and it'll sell.

That's all the news for now. Hopefully I'll have some update in regards to the house and my job searching :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are praying for good health, better weather, and quick sale on your house! Stay safe and warm.
Love to all,
Mellan :)