Saturday, October 10, 2009

My baby boy is 6!!!

I can't believe we celebrated CJ's 6th birthday yesterday!! He is growing up so fast and time is flying by! We were going to go to Chuck E Cheese but with Courtney just getting over H1N1 - we decided it would be best to hold off on that. Instead, we met up with Marti, James, Misti, Brien, Tyler and Hunter @ Marti & James' house (Josh was @ the football game) and ate Chicken E (YUMMY!), the kids played Xbox, the guys played pool (then Misti and Marti joined) and of course, had cake (thanks Misti for making it) and opened presents. All in all, I believe he had a wonderful day!

Of course, turning 6 means he has to go for a 6 year old well check up. So, I got to go yesterday with Jason and CJ to the doctor. It was a normal visit but with a few concerns - CJ has been complaining about his stomach and then a few times of chest pain. We've been monitoring it and changing a few things in his diet to see if those were the causes but with no luck. Since his well visit was coming - we decided it was the best time to figure it all out. We talked with the pediatrician and now, CJ has an upper GI scheduled for Tuesday, October 13th @ 11am. We are going to see if it's acid-reflux, if it is - great, we'll know what causing all the issues and if not, I'm not sure where we go from here. We hopefully will find some answers on Tuesday.

Mom (Jason's) will make her annual Fall visit and we are all looking forward to it!! And of course, we'll be celebrating CJ's birthday again with her - even with cupcakes :o) She is coming at a good time since the golf course is overseeding and Jason is off 4 of the days she is here!! He never gets that time to visit with her. Plus, she'll be able to see CJ play t-ball since he has 2 games on Saturday Oct. 17th and one on Sunday!

School is going great for all of us. Reports came out for the kids and Courtney is on the A-B Honor Roll and we will get CJ's on Tuesday since he left early on Friday. I've been doing well on all my A&P exams (both A's) and have a lab practical exam the 15th. In regards to Micro, did really well on my 2nd exam and hope to do just as well on my 3rd on on the 14th.

That's all for now. Hoping to download pictures of CJ playing t-ball, CJ's birthday and any others I've taken to share with you.

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