Saturday, November 28, 2009 time to blog!

Well, that's the truth - I really haven't had much time to blog! I apologize for that but working and going to school takes most of my time! Thankfully, December 8th is my last day of school this semester and I don't start back until January 11th!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Marti's house - thanks for having us all over!! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving too!

Oh, we did get to go to the new Cowboy Stadium on the 20th of this month - Jason was THRILLED!! Aledo Bearcats are in the playoffs and won against Stephenville in overtime and are actually playing today @ 3pm in Midland. It is the only time Jason will get to see a game there unless we get lucky somehow and he gets Cowboy tickets! Not counting on that at all though.

Not a whole lot to update everyone on....just doing the normal routine for now!