Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And the fun begins...

Monday night started it all - softball practice!! So the rest of the week's activities...

  1. Tuesday was Brownies
  2. Wednesday is studying hard
  3. Thursday - softball and continue to study for her test
  4. Friday - Jason is actually off work - woohoo
  5. Saturday - more softball practice

All this doesn't include what I already have to do with grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry and the normal every chores I try and accomplish.

PLUS... CJ is still doing wonderful with the potty training!!! He finally pooped in the potty last night and there was HUGE excitement around here. Jason ended up calling me and letting CJ tell me about it since I was on my way home from the Brownie meeting. He is also staying dry all night long too!! We are so proud of him :o)

Off to get today bus time!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Keeping fingers crossed!!!

I know now that since I'm posting about this, it will jinx me but I'm so thrilled right now. CJ is actually wearing underwear - no diapers, no pull ups... UNDERWEAR!!! He started yesterday afternoon and has only had ONE small tiny accident but finished in the potty :o) He actually had a pull-up on through the night and stayed completely dry!! He did right before he went to bed and then as soon as he got up!! We are so proud of him. Hopefully the good streak will keep going!

We did take the kids swimming this morning and I got some great shots. Here's one that I really like...
Both Courtney and CJ can catch some air when jumping into the pool. That's something that CJ isn't afraid of at all. He actually likes to go under and hardly gets tired of jumping to either daddy or me. We think we'll keep this up - Sunday mornings are not busy at 10am at the pool which is best for the 4 of us. Plus that way, Jason gets to go too and watch how well both of them do in the pool. It's off to find CJ some swim lessons soon due to how much he isn't afraid of the water!

We got a call from Courtney's softball coach today. They have practice tomorrow from 6-7:30pm. Thankfully I already got Courtney a glove but need a size 11 softball to practice with since we got a size 10. I guess that means that Wednesday we'll be going somewhere to find her cleats since she'll need those for the games. We'll learn everything else she needs tomorrow night as far as practice wear and game uniform. Oh the fun begins!!

Then on Tuesday....we have our Open House type meeting for girls interested in joining our Brownie troop. These are the girls that were personally invited by my current Brownie troop. The 'official' one from the Girl Scouts will come proably in September or October (which I don't like it to be that late). Here's to another busy week and so far, I've only listed a few activities on each day!

The Life of a MOM.....wouldn't change it for the world :o)

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Yes, you read that right - I think I'm CRAZY!! Today we signed up Courtney for softball. She is thrilled as one of her classmates (new to the school) is signed up also. The opening day is Sept. 4th. Games will be on Tuesdays and Sunday afternoons and it will depend on her coach if they will do Saturday practices. This is more 'fundamentals' softball - hitting, pitching, throwing, catching and baserunning. She can not wait for it to start.

IF she likes it, she can sign up for the spring season which is more 'intense' and not so much fundamentals. Also, at the time (spring), CJ is eligible for catball (basically t-ball and running bases with no keeping score) OR soccer. He has been wanting to do baseball and soccer for so long that he'll get to choose.

So with her now in softball, that means another added thing to our schedules. The games will conflict with Brownies (Tuesday nights) but thankfully Jason is willing to help out and take Courtney and CJ to some of her Tuesday night games while I deal with leading the Brownies. I know all the moms will completely understand when I'm not in attendance.

She has put off dancing for right now. Her teacher, Ms. Jess, has decided not to return to Sidelines and will keep us updated where she goes to or if they decide to open another dance studio (like when Courtney first started). Courtney really enjoys dance but doesn't want to be the only one in the class - you know her - the social butterfly :o)

So, we are off to find some youth softball pants for her and comfy shorts to wear to practice. We did get a softball and a glove for her to practice with at home - we don't want her afraid of catching the ball :0)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

It finally arrived!!!

The furniture finally came!! Courtney was a little disappointed that it wasn't here when she got home from school but got over that once everything came.

It was SOOOO nice not to have to put any of it together like we have previously with her last set and with CJ's bed. I actually got to watch the Rooms To Go guys do the work - what a relief!

Jason and I both think..."Wow...our little girl is growing up!" And the truth is, she is. Time has flown by so quickly and she deserves this set! She's been through all these allergy shots that just seem to get worse and worse as we go but she's a trooper.

So, without further ado...the furniture.... (you can click on the picture to make it bigger) And yes, these pictures were taken before any cleaning of mirrors were done...LOL

First Day of School

Wow...summer went by so quickly this year. I can't believe my little girl is now in the 3rd grade!! She started school this morning and was so excited. One of her best friend's is in her class :o)

I did forgot this morning to give her lunch money so CJ and I already went to the school to drop that off and pick up her student medication form so that she can get her Albuterol inhaler while at school before P.E.

Courtney is also excited about today because her new furniture arrives this afternoon. I'll take pictures and update this later but I can't wait for it to arrive.

Of course today CJ is sad that no one but Mommy is here. He forgets what it is like but he'll be fine once this week is done and he gets back into routine.

Talking routine, we'll have to get a new one this year as Brownies has switched meetings days and with all the MOMS club activities I do...we'll be busy that we'll have to find time to stay home and relax...LOL

Monday, August 6, 2007

Oops - it's been a while again!

I've been really busy so I haven't been blogging. I'll try to catch up as much as I can but I'm sure I'll leave something out...LOL

Courtney is now into Webkinz - she currently as 12! The Webkinz world online is pretty cool. She goes on the computer every day. She was so excited when I found all sorts of 'recipes' for her for her pets :o)

CJ got a new Xbox game - a Nascar one from Uncle James. We had an unexpected trip to Texas - we went for a few days since Uncle James works for Kia. They did our 60000 mile warranty service and a few added extras :o) Thanks to Marti and James for everything!!!

Courtney starts school this Thursday. She already knows her teacher which is nice from friends that have had her. Open House is tomorrow night so I will get to meet her. Courtney is thrilled to have Mrs. Simpson and also her best friend Ashley in her class. Both Ashley's parents and Jason and I have warned each girl individually about talking in class...LOL

As far as this was suppose to be a relaxing Saturday since Jason had off from work. It turned into a HUGE project. We did our twice a year cleaning of Courtney's closet. We had just walked out of her closet and into the hall when all of a sudden - BOOM! Half her closet shelf that was up - was now broken and stuff went flying!!

So, Jason and I spent the rest of the day, cleaning, going to Lowe's and refiguring a closet for Courtney. It's a 10' closet so we wanted something that would work well for her plus the area we use for storage.

This is the final look now of her closet - we both really like it and so does Courtney :o) There seems to be a little more room now that we can work with. Even I have some of my warmer clothes in it hanging nicely on the far left size. (You can click on the picture to see it bigger.)

Jason and I also decided it was time to get Courtney a nice bedroom set. We went to Rooms to Go and found a really nice white bedroom set. It will be delivered on Thursday. Another thing Courtney is just lovin'!!! She had no idea but is very pleased with what we chose. She can't wait to get it all in and start off the school year with a desk too :o) Ah...the little things that bring her a smile. It's well worth it.
Not sure if I ever mentioned that CJ is in a new twin bed himself. Both Jason and I wished we thought about getting Courtney bedroom furniture before getting his new bed but oh well! He loves it since it has a bookcase at the top and 3 drawers underneath. Very simple and will be replaced at some point as we weren't willing to spend a lot of $$ on it right now since he is almost 4. We purchased it from WalMart so we know it will last at least 2 years (at least we are hoping...LOL)
Well, that's it for now. It's off to a meeting and then more cleaning :0)