Thursday, January 17, 2008

Oohh baby, it's cold outside!!

You'll never guess what happened here yesterday - we had sleet and some SNOWFLAKES!! Yes, snowflakes here in AL!! Of course, I believe we got more here at the house since we are on the 'mountain'...LOL Both kids enjoyed it though CJ enjoyed it from inside :o) Courtney loved it and stated that 'I wish we were back in PA for the snow - I miss it!'. A girl after my own heart - I miss the snow too!!

I can remember everytime it snowed in PA - I would call Misti and brag. Since she's been in Texas - she can call me and brag. So, what did I do yesterday? Called her to brag...LOL Unfortunately, it didn't stick and there are no pictures but it looks as though this weekend we could have some again - Friday night into Saturday morning. We are keeping our fingers crossed here for some!

I haven't downloaded pictures from Courtney's party yet (sorry) but let me say, the girls had a WONDERFUL time!! My friend Rhonda helped me with the spa night and actually was disappointed that she wasn't staying the night too. But we reassured the girls she'd be back early in the morning! They went to sleep after midnight and were up by 7am. I was exhausted by the time 5pm came around. I even went to bed by 8 and didn't wake up until about 9am on Sunday. All in all - the party was a success and Courtney can't wait to have another one.

If you have girls that love to have sleepovers, I must recommend the American Girl "Snooze-a-palooza!: More Than 100 Slumber Party Ideas" book (Thanks Mom R!!). Courtney received one for Christmas and that gave us the spa ideas. All the natural spa recipes were very impressive and you could actually feel and see the differences on the girls. Courtney would have liked for me to give each attendee one but considering they are $10 each, that would have been a little too much since I already bought goodie items.

Talking about the goodie items - LOVE LOVE LOVE the dollar section at Target. I got each girl a manicure set, pedicure set, lip glosses, nail polishes, an eye cover and a bath loofa all in that section! Thank goodness for this section :o)

I promise I will download the pictures soon and post some especially of the birthday cake. OMG - it was HUGE!!! It ended up being bigger than I ordered since she couldn't get it to cut right into the megaphone in the size I wanted. We made sure we gave huge pieces to everyone as they left too just so we didn't have that much left here.

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