Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mickey Mouse has passed away....

Yep - you read that right...Mickey Mouse is gone!!

Where do I begin to explain...let's start from this morning.
  1. Woke up and Jason decided to take Courtney to school since he had the day off. We decided to paint the kitchen since our last 'ant invasion' and the spray was on the wall. You can't clean flat paint. It got to the point we both couldn't stand it.
  2. As he was beginning to leave, I told him that I would empty out the top of the china cabinet so we could move it forward to paint.
  3. He left with Courtney as I sat in the kitchen closest to the sink and dishwasher (back towards that). CJ was in the family room playing with his cars.
  4. All of a sudden....I saw a flash of something in the corner of my eye and I looked!!
  5. OMG..there is a mouse in my house!! It ran in between (or underneath) the dishwasher and side cabinet. I SCREAMED!!
  6. I ran out of the kitchen and to the front door (since it's glass and Jason and Courtney could see me as they were going down the driveway. I asked through the glass if he had his phone with him (Imagine me in the doorway putting the universal sign of phone to my ear).
  7. He called me right away. By that time, CJ and I were both on my bed watching the entrance to the kitchen to make sure NOTHING came out. Jason just giggled and said that the mouse probably wouldn't come back out.
  8. Jason returned and no more mouse. So he fed CJ breakfast and made himself breakfast (also went next to the dishwasher and nothing). I finally made it back into the kitchen and sat facing that famous area.
  9. Yep...you guessed it....the mouse made his appearance AGAIN! This time - all 3 of us screamed!!! It was a fast little guy and went back into the same area.
  10. I decided I would go to Lowe's and get something and Jason could stay home and be the 'mouse watcher' to make sure it stayed there.
  11. While I was gone, Jason stated that he made his appearance quite often. He even tried to get out of the kitchen but thankfully CJ scared him back in!
  12. We (I should say Jason because I wouldn't go near that area) put out the sticky traps because we tried the normal traps and it went off twice without getting mine or Jason's fingers!
  13. Within minutes...Mickey Mouse past one sticky pad and went to the next. He then was stuck! He tried so hard to get out and I'm watching it a bit from the laundry room! No way was I going to be anywhere CLOSE to that area in case he got loose!
  14. Jason couldn't take it anymore and he took another sticky trap and put it on top of him. Then proceeded to put the 2 traps and Mickey in a plastic bag. Our friend suggested throwing him over the 10 foot drop across the street - so there is where Mickey is...caught in between 2 sticky traps in a tied plastic bag thrown over a 10 foot cliff!
  15. RIP Mickey Mouse!!

After all that excitement....we did paint the kitchen and it does look really nice. Finally finished up this afternoon and know that painting other rooms won't be far behind because this flat paint stinks!!

I sure hope I never have to deal with Minnie Mouse this week either! We still have traps out just in case and are going to put some in the garage and such. They are still building around us and clearing fields so I wouldn't be surprised if we don't. Just next time, I'm leaving while the traps are out and then Jason can deal with them when he gets home and can let me know when it's safe to come home...LOL


Grammy said...


I'd rather have Mickey and Minnie in my house anyday compared to a snake, which I've dealt with twice. Be prepared with construction.

sorry kid, but I couldn't help but laugh at your story. We had a couple of mice in here too when we first moved in.

Take care. Love and hugs to all of you. Miss you lots.


The Schou Family Blog said...

It still makes me giggle even after I heard about it yesterday morning. Hope you don't find anymore.