Sunday, January 27, 2008

Another performance for Courtney...

Courtney has been chosen to take part in "NIGHT OF THE ARTS"!!

Moody Elementary School's Third Grade will present "Night of the Arts" on Tuesday, January 29th. It includes a tour of the Third Grade wing and a presentation of students' artwork. After the tour, everyone will go to the cafeteria for several examples of performance art and the night will conclude with awards be given. Courtney will be jump roping!! She is so excited. She does a few tricks (which I didn't even know she knew)! I believe one is called the 'cross-over' but what it is exactly - I don't know. I was never a huge jump roper. I hope to get some good pictures but not sure if that will happen. We'll wait and see.

We signed her up for Spring softball yesterday. Currently, Jason is signed up to be the assistant coach for her team. They actually have a softball camp on Feb. 9th and she can't wait. CJ is going to wait another season to play so we can work with him on a few things. He can't wait to start going to the ball park.

That's about all going on here.


Grammy said...

Good luck Courtney and have fun. Also, enjoy softball camp.

So, what will CJ be doing?

Have fun Jason as assistant coach.

Love and miss you all.


The Schou Family Blog said...

Good Luck Courtney..I know you will do great.
Aunt Misti