Monday, August 6, 2007

Oops - it's been a while again!

I've been really busy so I haven't been blogging. I'll try to catch up as much as I can but I'm sure I'll leave something out...LOL

Courtney is now into Webkinz - she currently as 12! The Webkinz world online is pretty cool. She goes on the computer every day. She was so excited when I found all sorts of 'recipes' for her for her pets :o)

CJ got a new Xbox game - a Nascar one from Uncle James. We had an unexpected trip to Texas - we went for a few days since Uncle James works for Kia. They did our 60000 mile warranty service and a few added extras :o) Thanks to Marti and James for everything!!!

Courtney starts school this Thursday. She already knows her teacher which is nice from friends that have had her. Open House is tomorrow night so I will get to meet her. Courtney is thrilled to have Mrs. Simpson and also her best friend Ashley in her class. Both Ashley's parents and Jason and I have warned each girl individually about talking in class...LOL

As far as this was suppose to be a relaxing Saturday since Jason had off from work. It turned into a HUGE project. We did our twice a year cleaning of Courtney's closet. We had just walked out of her closet and into the hall when all of a sudden - BOOM! Half her closet shelf that was up - was now broken and stuff went flying!!

So, Jason and I spent the rest of the day, cleaning, going to Lowe's and refiguring a closet for Courtney. It's a 10' closet so we wanted something that would work well for her plus the area we use for storage.

This is the final look now of her closet - we both really like it and so does Courtney :o) There seems to be a little more room now that we can work with. Even I have some of my warmer clothes in it hanging nicely on the far left size. (You can click on the picture to see it bigger.)

Jason and I also decided it was time to get Courtney a nice bedroom set. We went to Rooms to Go and found a really nice white bedroom set. It will be delivered on Thursday. Another thing Courtney is just lovin'!!! She had no idea but is very pleased with what we chose. She can't wait to get it all in and start off the school year with a desk too :o) Ah...the little things that bring her a smile. It's well worth it.
Not sure if I ever mentioned that CJ is in a new twin bed himself. Both Jason and I wished we thought about getting Courtney bedroom furniture before getting his new bed but oh well! He loves it since it has a bookcase at the top and 3 drawers underneath. Very simple and will be replaced at some point as we weren't willing to spend a lot of $$ on it right now since he is almost 4. We purchased it from WalMart so we know it will last at least 2 years (at least we are hoping...LOL)
Well, that's it for now. It's off to a meeting and then more cleaning :0)

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