Thursday, August 9, 2007

It finally arrived!!!

The furniture finally came!! Courtney was a little disappointed that it wasn't here when she got home from school but got over that once everything came.

It was SOOOO nice not to have to put any of it together like we have previously with her last set and with CJ's bed. I actually got to watch the Rooms To Go guys do the work - what a relief!

Jason and I both think..."Wow...our little girl is growing up!" And the truth is, she is. Time has flown by so quickly and she deserves this set! She's been through all these allergy shots that just seem to get worse and worse as we go but she's a trooper.

So, without further ado...the furniture.... (you can click on the picture to make it bigger) And yes, these pictures were taken before any cleaning of mirrors were done...LOL

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Congratulations Princess and CJ on the new bedroom furniture.

I love Princess' picture.

Keep blogging, it keeps me up-to-date with what's going on.

Love and miss you all.
