Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Monday was a great day - we got to see Marti and Josh :o) Since Marti was in Georgia visiting Nanny and with Nanny being still weak, she came to visit us here!! Marti asked me not to tell the kids and have it a surprise and BOY...they were surprised!! As soon as the door bell rung, I asked Courtney to answer it. Her response "I don't know who it is..." followed by a very LOUD scream! She opened that door so quickly and gave each of them a HUGE hug. Believe me, CJ wasn't far behind!

There were a couple of priceless moments - CJ being held by Marti and him smiling ear-to-ear with his arms wrapped around her as soon as she got in the kitchen. Another moment was when Josh was sitting on the recliner and CJ was laying in his lap watching t.v.

I did get some pictures and will post them later. It was a wonderful visit but short! Both kids (and me) were teary-eyed when they left. I've come to realize that we can't wait a year anymore to see each other!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm grinning ear to ear just reading about such a fantastic surprise visit!!! :D

Love to each of you,
Mellan :)