Monday, February 25, 2008


I apologize for not writing sooner about Courtney's results. It's just been crazy and been taking care of her with the flu and trying to make sure no one else gets it!

All her tests came back normal so the only issue is strictly asthma!! That's wonderful news for us! I must say I was nervous about the Upper GI test and her drinking that stuff. Let me just say, they poured A TON of Hershey's Chocolate syrup into her drink. They made it like a milkshake for her. She stated the only thing she tasted was chocolate. The FUNNIEST thing...after she was done drinking her cup (it was much smaller than what I had to drink years ago) she told both the tech and the radiologist that it was 'refreshing'! That was a first for both of them. She was just so thirsty and hungry - it didn't matter :o)

She finally became fever free on Friday and was so excited to wake up this morning and go to school! Plus she was so ready to play and have friends over that she had Lauren come over Friday night and stay :o) It was really great to see her feeling like herself again.

She had softball try-outs yesterday and did excellent!! I'm so proud of her. She even gave a try at pitching and was consistently over the plate each throw (she was given 5) but was releasing a little to late so they all rolled but the key was consistently over the plate. She wants to work on pitching a bit now too (a bonus is the head coach was a pitcher).

We are going to paint the finish basement area tomorrow. Moving the furniture was interesting but not too bad. Jason started priming the walls on Saturday but will finish this afternoon once he gets home and start painting tomorrow since he is off. It's called 'Sea Wave' and I can't wait to see it on the walls :o) Of course, I'll take pictures but can't promise they'll be on right a way...LOL

Oh yeah before I forget...Courtney has to go back on March 25th for a check up with her specialist and will see if our plan of attack is working well for her!

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