Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

It's a few days after Christmas and all is calm here. The kids got so much and love everything!! Of course, Santa Claus was great to them...both Courtney and CJ got everything on their lists which wasn't a lot! Courtney only listed 2 items and CJ only asked for 3.

I must say was wonderful to have Christmas with Marti for the first time in 14 years!! I can remember when Josh was little and being in Florida at Christmas time but not since then. I think it ranks up there with one of the best Christmases EVER!!! It was a special Christmas to actually have all 3 sisters together and their families. Not sure that would have happened if Jason never got a job here in Texas.

The kids are out until January 6th so it's entertainment time for them. They are enjoying playing with all the goodies they got for Christmas and goodies they have bought with some of their gift card money!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and have a safe New Year's Eve!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is good to hear that all is going well. Happy New Year and enjoy your new home.