Friday, December 19, 2008

6 days until Christmas!!

Where has time flown to? I still can't believe Christmas is just around the corner. Time flies when you have been busy and life has been hectic!!

Let's see here, we are officially moved to Texas! Courtney and CJ are both enjoying school a lot! CJ loves riding the bus in the morning and after his AM Pre-K school. The nice thing is that both of them ride together in the morning and then seperately after school. Next year, they will be at the same school which will be a huge bonus for me. I still can't believe my little guy is riding the bus!

We are almost all organized and settled in here. We've been here about 1 1/2 weeks and things are going smoothly. Couldn't ask for a better transition for Courtney and CJ. Yes, they both miss their old schools but are making friends so easily - who could ask for anything more.

Christmas shopping is almost done - I hate feeling this far behind but with the big move and everything - I'm happy I only have a few things left to get. As far as Christmas cards/letters - that'll get done hopefully later today or this weekend.

That's it for now...hopefully in the new year I'll get back in the full swing of things - blogging included!

If I don't blog before Christmas - I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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