Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Spoke too soon!

I should have known. CJ woke up with a 101.6 fever! Thankfully the Tylenol is working right now and he is in a better mood - watching Monsters, Inc. He really wanted to go to Mother's Day Out today to play with his friends but that will have to wait. I do have a few errands I wanted to do but they can all wait except the post office (which I'll go when I pick up Courtney from the bus stop).

Both kids are really excited about Gramma coming tomorrow. CJ can't wait to go to the airport (he thinks Gramma lives there...LOL). He keeps asking me if today is the day to get her. They are also excited about Friday night - Grammy and Papa are coming too.

We finally figured out what time Courtney's First Communion will take place. Fr. Jim will be doing 4 masses that day as First Communion will be at 2pm with a small reception afterwards. I hope to take some pictures and share. I actually had Courtney put her whole outfit on and she looks beautiful!

OK...off to watch Monsters, Inc with my little sickie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin!

I hope that CJ will be much much better by tonight/tomorrow morning.
Amanda is recovering from Strep Throat and is back in school. Meaghan woke with a "sick" headache this morning and stayed home from school.
I am making headway on Jean's scrapbook. I have no way to make titles so am using Word when I need to. Later pages will look much better ;) But I want to take it to her this weekend - Mother's Day gift. I'll mail additional pages to her as I get them finished!
More than you wanted to know here. Sorry.
Love to all,
Mellan :)